Business IT News & Resources

Leveraging SOC 2 and ISO 27001 for Business Growth

Written by JOE USSIA | Jun 4, 2024 1:05:30 PM

For many, compliance is more than a legal necessity. More and more organizations now use compliance management as a way to create business value and increase revenue. 

We have talked with cybersecurity, IT, quality assurance, internal audit, finance, and other professionals about their compliance programs. Our conversations have indicated that an increasing number of organizations are now using SOC 2 reports and ISO 27001 certifications as a way to increase revenue and win new business.   

The factors driving compliance programs 

Organizations are navigating a myriad of challenges, from cyber threats to regulatory complexities. Understanding the key drivers behind compliance initiatives sheds light on why businesses are prioritizing adherence to industry standards.

  1. Revenue Growth and Client Acquisition

    Gone are the days when compliance was viewed solely as a regulatory burden. Forward-thinking organizations recognize compliance as a strategic enabler for business growth. By aligning with industry standards such as SOC 2 and ISO 27001, companies demonstrate their commitment to data security and earn the trust of prospective clients. Moreover, compliance serves as a powerful differentiator in competitive markets, positioning businesses as reliable partners capable of safeguarding sensitive information. As businesses strive to expand their client base and increase revenue streams, compliance emerges as a fundamental pillar of their growth strategy.
  2. Executive and Board Mandates

    At the helm of every organization, C-level executives and board members bear the responsibility of governance and risk management. Mandates from top leadership underscore the critical importance of compliance efforts in safeguarding organizational assets and maintaining stakeholder trust. Whether driven by regulatory obligations or strategic imperatives, compliance initiatives receive top-down support, signaling a unified commitment to upholding industry standards and best practices. By aligning compliance objectives with overarching business goals, organizations can foster a culture of accountability and resilience in the face of evolving threats.
  3. Regulatory Obligations

    Across various sectors, regulatory compliance is non-negotiable. Industries such as healthcare, finance, and information technology are subject to stringent regulations aimed at protecting consumer rights and ensuring data privacy. Failure to comply with industry-specific regulations not only exposes businesses to legal liabilities but also jeopardizes their reputation and market standing. By proactively addressing regulatory requirements and staying abreast of legislative changes, organizations mitigate compliance risks and uphold their commitment to ethical business practices.

The value of SOC 2 and ISO 27001

SOC 2 and ISO 27001 certifications stand as indispensable tools for fortifying cybersecurity defenses and instilling confidence among stakeholders.

A SOC 2 audit serves as a litmus test for an organization's data management practices. By undergoing rigorous scrutiny from independent auditors, businesses demonstrate their unwavering commitment to safeguarding data integrity and confidentiality. For customers and partners, SOC 2 compliance represents more than a mere checkbox—it signifies a proactive approach to risk management and a dedication to maintaining the highest standards of data security. 

Timing is everything in the business world. Proactively completing a SOC 2 audit enables organizations to stay ahead of the curve and expedite deal closures. By having comprehensive reports readily available for prospective clients, businesses demonstrate transparency and readiness, instilling confidence in their ability to protect sensitive information. Rather than scrambling to fulfill compliance requirements upon request, proactive organizations seize opportunities and streamline negotiations, thereby enhancing their competitive advantage in the marketplace.

ISO 27001 certification represents the gold standard in information security excellence. By adhering to internationally recognized best practices, organizations showcase their commitment to data protection and risk mitigation. 

For partners and clients, ISO 27001 certification serves as a seal of approval, assuring them of the organization's ability to safeguard sensitive information against evolving threats. With ISO 27001 certification, businesses signal their readiness to navigate the complexities of the digital landscape and uphold the trust placed in them by stakeholders.

SOC 2 and ISO 27001 certifications offer more than just compliance—they represent a strategic investment in cybersecurity resilience and stakeholder trust. By leveraging these certifications, organizations can unlock new opportunities, accelerate growth, and establish themselves as leaders in an increasingly interconnected world.

Unlock revenue through compliance 

Cyber Attacks remain on the rise and organizations will continue to invest in partners who prove their commitment to cybersecurity. That’s why compliance will continue to be a valuable differentiator for organizations looking to win new clients — or simply protect their own data and information.
Infinite IT is certified with two ISO certifications from Bureau Veritas, the leading certification body in the world, as well as SOC 2 Compliant. Because of these, you know you’re getting the best of the best. 

We have helped numerous others achieve GRC accreditations when audited by third party bodies, and we can assist your company in leveraging compliance audits to strategically position you for success with customers and prospects.    

Want to unlock revenue through compliance? Contact Infinite IT today!